Monday, December 21, 2009

What a day!

We arrived at the Portland airport at 8:00am on the shuttle. We left the Portland airport at 3:00 pm on the shuttle....that's right , our flight was CANCELLED!!!!!! I saw a whole lot of this those 7 hours.
and this...

and this (Derek) :) So it was ok. But it was the craziest thing, because the weather was just fine and we even heard on the radio on the way to the airport this morning that there was only one flight cancelled so far. I wonder if ours was second. And of course it was for technical difficulties.

But ya know what?? A Christmas miracle happened. Most of the time "cancelled flight" is the worst possible thing you can hear 4 days before Christmas. Because flights are booked or often overbooked. But my mom somehow got through on the Delta reservations phone line, and found a flight for ALL of us just a day later than scheduled. Crisis averted. That's one less day at Vero Beach, big deal :)

I couldn't believe it. I myself tried calling that line 4 or 5 times and was booted off because of all the busy signals. And the line for new flights was a mile long and took a half and hour a person.

We are lucky duckys...
And I realized something today... No offfense guys, but Mom, you look an awful lot like Mrs. Clause would, and Dad, you look like a jolly Santa...and Don't ya think "HAWS" sounds an awful lot like "CLAUSE?"

I'm just sayin'...


  1. Yup, you have some Christmas magic going on. What other kind of Christmas connections do you have? I"m going to start making a list so you can put a good word in for me....

  2. Just think, you will be laughing about this seven-hour airport visit for years to come. I am glad your mom was able to change all the reservations. Good luck, and Merry Christmas!

  3. Hahahaha about the Claus analogy, not the missed flight. I hope things go well tomorrow!

  4. What an adventure you're having AND you saw a Christmas miracle!!! Your mom's phone call to Delta!! Have fun in the sunshine ;-)

  5. good luck on your travels tomorrow!! Sorry today was cancelled, that sucks

  6. Dear Erica,

    We made it. I am sitting next to you in Orlando Florida.

    Love you,
