Sunday, December 13, 2009

I believe

in the magic of disney. It's a real thing!! I feel it every time I enter a Disney park. I get excited and I'm filled with wonder at the amazing place it is.

I've been going to Disney parks a good majority of my life, and the memories made there are treasures.

I don't know what it is about these places but they bring my family closer together. We're kinder to eachother, and we laugh more together.

It's not about the rides either. It's about a wholesome atmosphere, where dreams are made real. It is SO FUN.

I can't imagine my life without the influence of Disney. I have watched the movies over again, sung the songs so many times that they're forever engrained in my mind and heart.

You feel like a Princess there!

That's Mickey butter! I love the attention to detail Disney takes in everything.

We got to go snorkeling on a Disney cruise. I remember in preparation, my sweet Mom bought us snorkeling gear, and we practiced in a swimming pool a good number of times before.

Although money was tight, my parents still found a way to take us to Disneyland when we were young.

There's nothing like the happiness you feel when you get to meet your Disney Heroes in person!

They're flirting with the camera.

The Queen in her Kingdom!

I'm so excited and grateful to be able to go again this Christmas.

Of coarse the best part about Disney is spending time with the people that you love most.

Oh, and we're bringing someone else along, which will make this trip particularly wonderful


  1. I'm so excited!!! Seven more days? I can't wait! I loved this post. I loved the pictures.

    P.S. You were way way way cute when you were a kid. I think if I would of known you back then, my small little pre-teen heart still would have been smitten with you. :-)

  2. What fun! Thank you for the delightful journey down memory lane. I'm so glad our efforts were appreciated. We really did try hard to make our Disney dreams come true.

  3. I feel the EXACT same way every single time I enter Disneyland! And we are so excited to be trying out Disneyworld for ourselves in March.

  4. We better not see derek get as fresh as mickey on this upcoming trip or else.....

  5. hahaha! Rob, that glove is quite obviously placed on the small of her back.

  6. This is a cute post, I enjoyed seeing your family having a great time in Disneyland. More memories are in the making!!

  7. LOVED this post! What fun photos you and memories you have there!
