Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Last Week. Math Class...

My peers and I took a survey so the teacher could show us an example of a histogram using our data. She asked for our resting heart rate. When she created the histogram, comprising all of our heart rates, I was surprised and even embarrassed at what I saw.

Mine was 104 beats a minute. Little did I know that the average persons resting heart rate is between 60 and 80 beats a minute.

Not only that, but an athlete's should be significantly lower, so that was strange too. Needless to say, I was a major outlier on the graph, and not in a good way. Ok at first it was kind of funny, but as the class period went on I grew more and more depressed.

What was wrong with me? I try so hard to live a healthy lifestyle, and I have nothing to show for it?

Moments after class ended, I made an appointment to see a physician.

I went to the appoinment, they took a blood test and found that an overstressed lifestyle paired with Anemia was the diagnosis.

Anemia (iron defficiency) can raise the pulse to unnatural levels, which explains the occasional breathlessness and tightening in my chest. I think I've gone untreated for a while. 6 weeks of iron pills should help significantly.

The doctor asked when and how I relaxed. What I did for me? The only answer I could think of was exercise...it's not enough. I found myself getting teary eyed as the sweet, matronly physician urged me to find time for me, to bring down my pulse a natural way.

Today, I have
1. read the newspaper
2. painted my toe nails
3. looked through a mgazine
4. taken a nap
5. written a letter

No more overscheduling, no more pushing myself to the limits, no more thinking I can do everything I need to no matter how much time I have. And no more scheduling relax time. It's going to be daily and it's going to be spontaneous. Oh, and no more lists! (for awhile at least...)

Ok, is it weird that every time I say or hear the word 'anemic' I think of a frog ribbitting?



  1. I'm glad you went to the Dr. and found out what was going on. It's interesting how life works isn't it, your stressful class helped you to find out you need to relax (I assume the class is stressful, if not, it was a still a blessing). Relax and smell those roses along the way, I love you.

  2. ENJOY your relaxing time! And drink lots of water with those pills missy or you'll get a tummy ache.

  3. Well, you have always been my little energizer bunny. I'm sorry to hear that your natural tendency to go, go, go needs to be tweaked a little. I am so thankful for this wake-up call. Go have Jackie give you a facial... Tell her "Mom said!"

  4. As I started reading this I wondered if you were stressed. I know how you feel about needing the "me time" there are times I'm about to go crazy so I just need to stop and do me time. Sometimes "me time" is just vegging in front of the TV doing nothing. I'm glad you went and saw someone! :-)

  5. I have two things to say. One, it is okay to have or feel like you are a frog. I have a frog that I have carried to Europe just to get pictures of waitress and waiters holding it. :) I can post a picture on my blog if you would like.

    I am old, now what was the second item. After I nap a little, I know I will remember.

  6. I'm glad you're okay! It's nice to get a wake up call of sorts because it can be very eye opening.

    Remember that time when you were walking to our house to babysit and I was headed to the hospital? It was because my heart was racing. I also had to learn to slow down and relax. I hope you feel refreshed and renewed soon!

    And totally get a facial!

  7. Umm.... I'm now wondering if I may have that. Seriously I get a quick heart beat and a tightening in my chest too. Huh... maybe I should take a visit to my doc. I'm glad you figured out what was wrong. RELAX is always a great diagnosis.
