Thursday, March 4, 2010

This post goes out to the man of the hour --

Mr. Derek Young.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY , DEREK! You are such a wonderful guy.

Derek has a way of making hard things look easy, noticing nice little things most people miss, and overlooking bad things that some people choose to never miss.

He is a near-perfect example of love and devotion.

He is so good. His roommates even changed the words to a familiar primary song; "I'm trying to be...Like Derek...." and sing it every now and then, haha.

Derek is so smart. I'll spend hours on the same reading assignment that will take him 2o minutes to look over... and he still scores higher on the quizzes! But I'm proud of him. He's a great study partner, too :)

He is handsome and has these charming crinkly old man eyes that sparkle when he smiles. Yes, just like Edward, ladies.

He is loyal and trustworthy. I'd trust him with my life.

I'm so glad Derek was born. I tell him he's going to change the world. I'm gonna stick by that.

Happy Birthday sweetheart. Love you.


  1. Happy Birthday Derek!! Love you!!

  2. Happy Birthday Derek...what a sweet post.

  3. I agree with everything Erica said! Happy birthday Derek, I love you!!!!

  4. This is a lovely tribute, my dear. I think Derek is a wonderful man, too.
