Lately, I have been needing her help more than ever in planning a wedding. I know that this is no easy task and I wish that I could be there to help. But If you know my mom, you know that she will put her whole heart into something, especially if it is for her loved ones. She will research, plan , budget, organize, prepare and plan some more. She knows how to work. What a wonderful thing to feel her support and love for me, even though we are miles apart.
My mom gives her time as an expression of her love. She always has. I can't tell you how many times growing up my mom has stopped what she was doing to here about some story from school, or test score, or unfortunate event, or crazy idea I have had. I could always count on her to provide not only a listening ear, but an interested one as well. In that way, my mom is my best friend.
So, even though I've taken my flight from the "nest" and am making a home of my own, it's comforting to know that there will always be a place where I can go to feel loved, to feel wanted, and appreciated; that's home with my mom.